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Buy sensors

A sensors lifespan is 14 days. Keep that in mind if you want to secure data flow. Note: The only sensor that’s compatible with Beep at the moment is: Freestyle Libre 2 sensor.


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You will be billed monthly until you cancel the subscription. You can cancel your subscription directly in the App Store on your device.

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App Support

Explanation of Beeps Features and numbers, so you’ll know how to interpret the data and get the most out of your Beep experience.

Time in Range (TIR) is the percentage of time in a day that your glucose levels are within target range. General guidelines suggest a range of 4 to 8 mmol/l, but you can aim to even out your curve if you want to manage your energy levels and get rid of sugar cravings. Remember that it is normal for your glucose to go out of range temporarily, for example due to intensive exercise, dehydration or high carb intake. If your glucose concerns you, contact your health care professional.

Shows your average glucose today, measured since midnight. Go to a specific event (activity, sleep, food) to see your average glucose during that event.

Shows your highest glucose value within three hours before activity/sleep. Are you fueling with the nutrition that works for you and at the right time before exercise/sleep? Compare your peak to how you experience the quality of your workout/sleep and see if it could be helpful to adjust your fueling strategy.


Shows the time span between your highest glucose (peak before activity/peak before sleep) and the actual activity or time you go to bed. Are you fueling with the nutrition that works for you and at the right time before exercise/sleep? Compare the time span to how you experience the quality of your exercise/sleep and see if it could be helpful to adjust your fueling strategy.

Shows how much your glucose differed (mmol/l) between start and end of activity. Notice if there is a high or low and if it is related to any specific sensations in your body. Adjust your strategy for fueling and hydration accordingly.

This graph zooms in on how the data you are measuring (heart rate, glucose, power, speed, lactate etc) varied in relation to each other during the activity. For example how your glucose levels respond to the intensity and length of the workout.

Shows your glucose and heart rate levels after exercise. Add food activity in the app when you refuel to see how it affects your glucose curve and well-being. Are you refueling and rehydrating in a way that works for you? Compare your glucose curve to how you experience your workout and learn how to adjust your fueling strategy.

Shows your glucose and heart rate levels after fueling. How does your body respond to what you eat and drink? Does it help you keep the energy and glucose levels you desire? Compare your glucose curve to the sensations in your body and learn how to adjust your fueling strategy.

Measure lactate with an external device and add your score here to visualize your progress over time. Notice if there are correlations over time to other data shown in the app like food, sleep or HRV. Your lactate threshold is the intensity at which you can exercise without impeding muscle function, which happens when lactate is produced faster than your body can clear it off and you experience rapid muscle fatigue. It is a useful tool to help increase endurance without overtraining.

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