Elit athlete during an OCR Toughest Umeå. Optimize fueling

Optimize fueling with Beep

Elite athletes need to be at the top of their game in order to compete at the highest level. This means being properly fueled for training and competition. One way to optimize fuelling is to use Beep Insights and a CGM.

CGM is a device that measures glucose levels in the interstitial fluid (ISF) every few minutes. This allows athletes to see how their glucose levels are changing in real time. This information can be used to make informed decisions about when to eat, how much to eat, and what to eat.

For example, an athlete who is about to start a workout may want to check their glucose levels to make sure they are not too high or too low. If their glucose levels are too high, they may want to eat a small snack to bring them down. If their glucose levels are too low, they may need to eat a larger meal or snack to give them the energy they need for the workout.

Beep can also be used to track glucose levels during and after exercise. This information can be used to identify any patterns or trends that could affect performance. For example, an athlete who consistently has low glucose levels during workouts may need to adjust their diet or carbohydrate intake.

Overall, Beep can be a valuable tool for elite athletes who want to optimize their fuelling and performance. By tracking glucose levels in real time together with other chemical signals from their body, athletes can make informed decisions about when to eat, how much to eat, and what to eat. This can help them to stay in a good energy balance and perform at their best.

Here are some specific benefits of using Beep for elite athletes:

  • Can help to identify and prevent hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) during exercise, which can lead to fatigue, decreased performance, and even seizures.
  • Can help to optimize carbohydrate intake during training and competition, which can help to improve endurance and performance.
  • Can help to identify patterns in glucose levels that could affect performance, such as low blood sugar after meals or during certain types of exercise.
  • Can help to improve recovery by providing information about how well the body is using glucose after exercise.

If you are an elite athlete, Beep can be a valuable tool to help you optimize your fuelling and performance.

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